Saturday 19 June 2010

Edison Chen release new album for his come back in October

Edison Chen performed at his friend 'Farmer' at Farmer's concert on 16th, announcing he would return the stage. He also changed some lyrics in his English song "imagine" for his new album. Fans showed their support for his come back! He confirmed the releasing date for his album will be no later than October.

According to Min News, Edison appeared excited about his comeback, he added: "thanks for everyone's support! I will try my best to work on my songs! I am as yet ready to return to the movie business, but fan's encouragement means a lot to me!" He admitted he still felt nervous about appearing o stage again after a few years.

When asked whether he still insisting on earn 100 million before getting married to his girlfriend Vincy Yeung? He laughed: I still need to make a lot more money before marriage. I don't know the absolute figure. I don't really care much about these anymore, just want to work harder! In the past few years, I learned that money is important, but can't buy happiness and love."

Then he was asked whether girlfriend knows about his comeback in Oct, he replied: knows a little, but she doesn't listen to my songs or watch my movies. I love the way she is, she loves me, for me being me, not my media exposure!

Source China news

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